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About Our Church

What We Believe

Prayer & Intercession

 We believe it is God’s mandate for every Church and believer to be active and promote God’s purpose in the world today through prayer and intercession.


We believe that the Identity of every believer is founded upon who we have become as new creations in Christ, what our inheritance is in Christ and what the purpose of God is for us in Christ.


We are committed to being the light for all Nations, rich and poor, brown, red, white and black, building a house with open doors for everyone.


We are committed to reaping the harvest fields by preaching the gospel to all people, first in Jerusalem, then in Judea, then in Samaria, then to the uttermost parts of the world.


We believe in the power of God for the healing and restoration of the spirit, the soul and the body of ALL people.


We believe that God delights in prospering (all around prosperity) His people for the extension of His Kingdom and for the furthering of His purpose.


We are committed to building strong families, marriages and children according to the divine pattern and order taught by scripture: as we believe that the success of God’s eternal purpose is dependent upon the strength of every family in the Church.

Leadership Pattern

We believe that the biblical pattern for governmental structure is that of an elder-ship with a set leader as the Senior Pastor.

pastor dan and anne family

Our Pastors

Pastor Daniel Makokha and Mrs. Anne Wanyonyi's vision is to restore worship back to the church. To make the kingdom of God visible here in Cheyenne through love, life and outreach to the community.

foursquare logo

We're A Foursquare Church

What is Foursquare?

In association with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, we are “foursquare”. In the full meaning of the word, “foursquare” stands for forthright, solidly and boldly presenting a firm stand. This is a term used throughout scripture to describe balance and stability. 

Our firm and balanced stand pertains to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ our Savior [John 3:16; Acts 4:12]

Jesus Christ our Baptizer [Mark 1:8; Acts 2:4]

Jesus Christ our Healer [Hebrews 13:8; James 5:14-15]

Jesus Christ our Soon Coming King [John 14:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]

More About Foursquare

The term “Foursquare Gospel” came about during an intense revival in the city of Oakland, California in July 1922. As thousands had gathered to hear the gospel, evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson described a vision God had given her, taken from Ezekiel’s vision in the book of Ezekiel, chapter one.

Ezekiel saw the revelation of a totally powerful God. He saw four faces – those of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. To Aimee, those four faces were like the four phases of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the face of the man, she saw Jesus our Savior, the “man of sorrows” [Isaiah 53:3]. In the face of the lion, she saw Jesus the mighty Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and fire. In the face of the ox, she saw Jesus the great Burden-bearer, who took our infirmities and carried our sickness. In the face of the eagle, she saw the Coming King – Jesus the Bridegroom, who is returning in power for His bride, the Church. It was a perfect , complete gospel for the body, soul, spirit and eternity. It was a gospel that faces squarely in every direction: thus, the name Foursquare.

We are an interdenominational movement with over 40,000 churches worldwide. We believe in the full gospel as presented in the Bible. Our services reflect the father heart of God with Worship unto Him, interaction with our children, dramatic illustration and a relevant message from our pastor.

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5307 Hynds Blvd.

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001

Sunday Morning Service:

Fellowship 9:30 - 10:10 am

Service at 10:30 am


Email Address*


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